Puerto Rico

Wereda at the Ponce's Yacht and Fishing Club
Saturday, March 13, 2010 Wereda approached Ponce, Puerto Rico and docked at Ponce's Yacht and Fishing Club.  
It was a bit tricky to dock while single-handing. Bringing the boat alongside the dock is not a problem. But to get out on to the pier to tie off the boat before wind blows her away, that is something else. There was none at the dock when I arrived (Saturday afternoon, everybody was at the bar, I supposed) so only on a fourth attempt I was able to tie the Wereda off. After taking a shower I went to the Club's bar for a refreshment and sure enough the bar was full and crowded. After the weekend was over, I was finally able to clear in and register at the Marina, meaning I paid the docking fees. They were as expensive as they were in Aruba! Took taxi to Walmart to make necessary purchases and toured the city. 
On the way to Salinas
March 20, 2010. Wereda set sails to Isla Caja De Muertos,
less than ten miles South-South-West from the shores of Ponce. 
Marina in Salinas, seen from the anchorage
It is a favorite place for fishermen and holidaymakers. It was a nice leisurely two hour sail and after arriving, we found ourselves to be the only other sailboat here. It was a great and quiet overnight stay, only occasionally interrupted by power boats taking part in fishing tournament held on that weekend. 
Shades wearing Chihuahua
At La Barkita
In the morning we left the anchorage and headed East as a pod of dolphins lead the way, ahead of Wereda's bow. Our destination, Salinas, was a short 16 miles as a crow flies but it took us a better part of the day before we dropped the anchor. Once ashore in the marina, I inquired about internet availability and was told by a lady holding shades wearing Chihuahua that for internet I'll have to walk down the road to a small bar La Barkita. I also asked her how long has she been staying in Salinas. She said two years! Well, I no longer felt bad about my seven month long stay in Curacao. La Barkita turned out to be a very popular place. I enjoyed a can of cold Medalia beer and a bowl of a local, excellent, spicy soup/stew there while struggling with a very slow internet connection. 
Wereda heads East toward Vieques

March 25, 2010 Wereda moved out of the anchorage by the Marina de Salinas. After getting all the sails up we set the course East. Sailing all day long against the mild Easterlies took us no farther East than Punta Tuna on the south coast of Puerto Rico. The night was falling fast and I decided to sail offshore and away from land with a plan to turn back around middle of the night to make an early morning landfall at Vieques. Click HERE to see all pictures from Puerto Rico to StMartin.

Click here for video from Puerto Rico

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